VAG COM 409.1 KKL COM port RS232 chip - port serial - aplicatii programari

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Interfata diagnoza OBD2 OBD-II Diagnostic VAG COM KKL 409 serial RS232.

Functioneaza pe masinile: VW/AUDI/SEAT/SKODA intre 1994 si 2004 cu KKL, K/L si single K-line modes exceptand vehiculele cu CAN-bus. Poate fi folosita la diagnosticarea celor mai multe marci europene, ca Renault, Dacia, Fiat, Alfa Romeo - pe modelele care au diagnoza prin KLine. Driverul USB creaza un port serial virtual, folosind un chip convertor USB-RS232.

Descriere: Interfata este construita in interiorul conectorului OBDII care suporta protocoalele ISO 9141/KWP 2000 folosite de masinile Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda si Seat, Dacia, Renault, Alfa Romeo, Volvo. Starea curenta este indicata de LEDul Bi-color pentru fiecare K-line. Interfata se alimenteaza direct de la masina prin Data Link Connector. Comunicarea cu PCul se face prin portul USB. Aceasta interfata este foarte recomandata pentru diagnoza auto pentru masini din grupul VAG (VW, Seat, AUDI, Skoda) din 1992 pana in 2004 si pentru grupul Dacia/Renault, folosind DDT2000. Functioneaza foarte bine pe Dacia Logan si alte autoturisme din grup, care nu utilizeaza protocolul CAN pentru diagnoza. Absolut toate interfetele sunt testate in prealabil pe un simulator de protocol cu softul VAG COM, functionarea este garantata.

* More features, small volume & lightweight.
* New 7 PIN / SKC codes match the anti-theft system that installed mobilizer VW/Audi/Seat/Skoda car keys (or third-generation anti-theft).
* Can simultaneously observe the three sets of data stream.
* Access to running the new KWP-2000 protocol control module (2002 + Teves Mk60 ABS, most of the 2004 + modules).
* Super-level isolation (>1000V), protect your computer will not be compromised.
Support model:
* Santana 2000/3000;
* Audi 100/200/80/90/A4/A6/A8;
* Era Superman; Polo (Except 02/03 paragraph POLO );
* Bora; Jetta; Beetle; Golf; Passat; SEAT; Small red flag;
* All other public / Audi models; 5051 does not support CANBUS models, such as the Audi A6L, Speed Teng, Caddy, Touran, Octavia, these models please buy 5053.
* reading fault code; clear fault code; read the data stream; security access; component tests; scans the entire vehicle.
* Can simultaneously observe the three sets of data stream (of 12), wave color display;
* Full support of KW 1281 and KW 2000, to enter a new agreement to run KWP-2000 Control Module (2002 + Teves Mk60 ABS,
* Most 2004 + modules) OBD2 Interface for imported and domestic cars of all people in Europe, Audi, Skoda and the other including the red line of cars.
* Cable length: 1.5m
* Car side: OBDII standard plug
* PC side: USB interface
* Circuit insulation sealed: waterproof, anti-static, harsh environments
* Color: Blue
* Item Size: 8.8 * 4.5 * 2cm
* Package Size: 20 * 15 * 2cm
* Item Weight: 90g
* Package Weight: 100g
Item Includes:
1 * OBD II Interface
1 * CD software

Compatibil cu:
Audi 100, A8
Dacia Logan
Fiat Linea
Skoda Octavia
Volkswagen Beetle, Bora, Caddy, Jetta, New Beetle, Touran

Piesă auto compatibilă cu:
Audi 100
Audi A6
Audi A8
Dacia Logan
Dacia Logan II
Fiat Linea
Skoda Octavia
Skoda Octavia II
VW Beetle
VW Bora
VW Caddy
VW Jetta
VW New Beetle
VW Santana
VW Touran
Actualizat la:
04 Mar 2025, 14:51
Actualizat la:
04 Mar 2025, 14:51