VAG DASH CAN 5.29 Ultima versiune 2016 - diagnoza, KM, borduri, immo, chei, SKC

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Noua versiunea 5.29 inlocuieste cele doua modele existente pana in prezent VAG DASH CAN si VAG DASH COM, fiind o interfata 2 in 1. FUNCTIILE SUNT ASEMENATOARE CU SUPER VAG K+CAN 2.0 !

VAGDashCAN poate determina codul LOGIN si permite ajustarea KM dar si reparatia bordurilor defecte in urma unei corectii cu o interfata neadecvata. Cel mai des ne intalnim cu problema ceasurilor de bord RB4 de la Audi !!! VAGDashCAN nu are asemenea problema !
    O functie importanta este aceea de a putea invata doar printr-o simpla apasare de buton o cheie pe autoturism nemaifiind necesara asteptarea celor 5 minute si fara a fi necesara o cheie programata.
    Are functii de citire si stergere a erorilor pe care le detecteaza pe autovehicul atat pe linia K dar si pe CAN BUS.

    Un client vine la atelierul dvs. cu o singura cheie, iar cea de-a doua cheie o are acasa. El va solicita sa-i mai invatati o a treia cheie pentru autoturismul sau. In mod normal l-ati trimite acasa pentru a aduce si cea de-a doua cheie intrucat sistemele actuale nu pot invata chei noi daca nu avem disponibile toate cheile deja invatate pe masina. Cu VAGDashCAN nu mai exista aceasta problema, o noua cheie poate fi invatata fara ca celelalte chei sa fie sterse.

   Cumparati autoturismul dvs. insotit doar de o singura cheie, cu toate ca respectivul autoturism recunoaste si poate fi pornit cu 3 chei. Pentru acest lucru este necesar ca celelalte doua chei sa fie sterse. Nimic mai simplu, cu VAGDashCAN 5.29.
    Cu VAGDashCAN nu mai este o problema INLOCUIREA CEASURILOR DE BORD de la o masina la cealalta. Se citesc datele din blocul de imobilizare de pe panoul de bord vechi, se inlocuieste panoul cu cel nou sau second-hand dupa care datele se vor rescrie in noul panou de bord. Nu mai trebuie sa va faceti griji de efectuarea unor noi adaptari sau codari, nici sa invatati din nou cheile pe autoturism. Totul se face de la sine . Atentie: Se pot monta pe motorizare DIESEL chiar si ceasuri de pe motorizare R32.

    O functie foarte importanta este aceea ca poate citi eepromul din EDC15 cat si ME 7.x permitand astfel accesul la modificari variate de parametri.
     - efectueaza checksum-ul corespunzator eeprom-ului din ECU si ceasurile de bord
     - citeste/scrie seria de sasiu
     - citeste/scrie seria de imobilizare
     - citeste/scrie KM in ECU de tip Motronic (acolo unde este disponibil)

   Pe calculatoarele de tip Bosch ME 7.x poate efectua urmatoarele functii:
    - corelarea/corectia amestecului de carburant
    - setarea valorii Lambda
    - modificarea turatiei de ralanti
    - corectia presiunii din turbo (pe motoarele cu turbina)
    - corectia timpului de aprindere

This high-performance tool covers up the new generation of instrument clusters from 2002. VAGdashCAN V5.29 can work for Golf v, Touran, Passat B6, Jetta, the new for Seat models, such as Altea II and the new for Skodas.
This high-performance tool covers up the new generation of instrument clusters from 2002.
VAGdashCAN V5.29 can work for Golf v, Touran, Passat B6, Jetta, the new Seat models, such as for Altea II and the for new Skodas.
VAGdashCAN V5.29 has the following functions for VW / for SEAT / for SKODA:
* Recalibrate or correct the odometer
* Add keys to the car even though you don't have all existing keys available
* Do key adaptation without 5 minutes delay on new keys
* Read out the login / secret key code (SKC)
* and more .....
For VW / for SEAT / for SKODA
Please press this buton in order to read out the VDO instrument clusters of the last generation. An example is the Golf Mark V from 2003 up to 06.2006.
For Some SEAT and for SKODA models are equipped with clusters of that type until MY 2009.
Please press this buton in order to read out for Passat B6.
In those cars you cannot get immobilizer information from the instrument clusters, since the immobilizer unit is part of the convenience module.
Please press this buton in order to read out for AUDI A3 instrument clusters of the brand VDO.
Please press this buton in order to read out for AUDI A4 instrument clusters for BOCH RB4.
Please press this buton in order to read out Phaeton and Touareg instrument clusters for BOCH RB4.
Diesel Control units are very often used since 1999. Those units cover up most of the diesel vehicles at VAG.
For SEAT and for SKODA equipped their cars some years longer with ecu´s of that kind.
Those Diesel Control units are built into cars since 2002. They are the most frequently use ECUs in Diesel Cars of the latest generation.
ME7.* /MED 9.5
The engine ecu type for BOCH ME7.* was used in petrol cars such as Golf IV or for Audi TT. You can read out following types of ecu´s: ME7.5, ME7.1, ME7.5.1, ME7.1.1.
The ecu ME7.1.1 of the Golf V is not implemented yet.
When you click on this buton, you reach the EEprom adaption channels of the for BOCH ME7.* engine control unit. Those are for example the SEL scaling and the idle speed offset.
Immobilizer BOXES
When you click on this buton you can read out the login code from the single standing Immobilizer units. Whit boxes from for Audi A4 with 12pin connector and boxes from LT. As well you can read out boxes from 1994-1998, but only when an adapted key is inserted into the lock.
The unique advanced diagnostic tool to read out the internal memory of your Instrument cluster.
You can display the login code, recalibrate the odometer and rewrite the EEpromdata in case of changing an instrument
Covers up the models 1998-2004 such as:
Golf IV
Polo 6N
Eurovan T4
Eurovan T5
for Skoda
for Seat
for Audi A3 / A2 / A6
for Audi A4 till 2000
All those models with communication via K-line


Compatibil cu:
Audi A2, TT, A4 B6
Seat Altea
Volkswagen Jetta, LT, Phaeton, Polo 6N, T4, T5, Touran, Golf 4, Golf 5, Passat B6, Up
Lexus IS

Piesă auto compatibilă cu:
Audi A2
Audi A4 B6
Audi A6
Audi TT
Seat Altea
VW Golf 4
VW Golf 5
VW Jetta
VW Passat B6
VW Phaeton
VW Polo 6N
VW Touareg
VW Touran
Actualizat la:
26 Feb 2025, 21:01
Actualizat la:
26 Feb 2025, 21:01