Repar senzor unghi volan Mercedes S Class C Class B Class GLC GLA

11 Lei
Second hand, Cu garanție

Reparatii spirale volan si senzori unghi volan – Atelier autorizat RAR

Daca aveti probleme cu spirala volanului sau senzorul de unghi volan, acestea pot afecta siguranta si confortul condusului. Noi vă oferim o soluție profesională și garantată!

De ce sa ne alegeti?

Atelier autorizat RAR – siguranta si profesionalism

Experienta de peste 7 ani in repararea spiralelor de volan si senzorilor de unghi volan

Garantie si consultanta 12 luni pentru toate lucrarile efectuate

Reparam toata gama de autoturisme si autoutilitare

Recenzii 100% pozitive de la clienti multumiti

Simptome spirala airbag defecta:

Airbag nefunctional si martor aprins in bord

Claxon nefunctional

Comenzi volan nefunctionale

Incalzire volan nefunctionala

Lane Assist nefunctional (volanul nu mai vibreaza la iesirea de pe banda de circulatie)

Simptome senzor unghi volan defect:

Probleme ESP si alte sisteme de siguranta

Cruise control nefunctional

Eco Start-stop nefunctional

4X4 nefunctional

Semnalizare nefunctionala

Reparatii spirale volan DB Lazuri

Locatie: Lazuri, Dambovita

Nu lasati aceste probleme sa va afecteze siguranta! Alegeti un service de incredere!

C98C02 LIN Bus, Multifunction Steering Wheel: Communication Fault; 480143 SZL Interface Signal Invalid; D01734 Message (Cruise Control Operation, 233.1.2) Not Current, Receiver ICM, Transmitter FEM / SZL / BDC-ZGM; D01736 Signal (Cruise Control Operation, 233.1.2) Invalid, Transmitter FEM / SZL / BDC-ZGM; D19F09 Invalid Signal (Wiper Button Operation, 258.2.4),Transmitter BDC-ZGM; D35F09 Invalid Signal (Wiper Button Operation, 258.2.4), Transmitter BDC-ZGM; 480143 SZL Interface Signal Invalid; D01736 Signal (Cruise Control Operation, 233.1.2) Invalid, Transmitter FEM / SZL / BDC-ZGM; B000113 The squib for the driver airbag (stage 1) has a malfunction.There is an open circuit; B000213 The squib for the driver airbag (stage 2) has a malfunction.There is an open circuit; P172A00 The DIRECT SELECT lever has a malfunction; B230015 Switch ''Windshield wiper'' has a malfunction.There is a short circuit to positive or an open circuit; B230615 Button ''Wipe and wash'' has a malfunction.There is a short circuit to positive or an open circuit; C220500 There is an internal fault in the steering angle sensor; C124500 The steering wheel turn counter has a malfunction; B1D9C15 Switch ''Steering column adjustment'' has a malfunction.There is a short circuit to positive or an open circuit; B230015 Switch ''Windshield wiper'' has amalfunction.There is a short circuit to positive or an open circuit; B230615 Button ''Wipe and wash'' has a malfunction.There is a short circuit to positive or an open circuit; B230915 The switch ''Rear window wiper'' has a malfunction.There is a short circuit to positive or an open circuit; 9000 N80 (SCM [MRM] Control Unit) -The Control Unit Is Faulty; B10001B Driver Airbag Igniter – Resistance Too High; U021200 Lost Communication With Steering Column Control Module; U021200 Lost Communication With Steering Column Control Module; U108E00 Control Unit in Steering Wheel – No Comunication; U108E00 Control Unit in Steering Wheel - No Communication; U112300 Databus Error Value Received; U112100 Databus Missing Message; U112200 Databus Implausible Message; U112300 Databus Error Value Received; 6E3D DSC: Steering-Angle Sensor, Internal; 04 LWS: Slider Fault (Adjustment Operation); A1 MRS: No Message From DSC Control Unit Or Message Incorrect;

A24690001179051; A24690013189051; A20590032099051; A24690083179051; A9064640318; A24690036209051; A24690084179051; A20590030099051; A2129002320; A24690012119051; A24690013189051; A20590063199051; A21290091319051; A9065400345; A17790033059051; A24690039089051; A20590032179051; A2229006608; A2129007215; A20590036119051; A24690007189051; A24690036149051; A24690033119051; A17790032059051; A24690039209051; A24690091179051; A24690057149051; A24690084179051; A20590027239051; A24690012119051; A20590026099051; A24690089179051; A20590032179051; A2229006608; A2129002107; A1694641518; A24690089179051; A205900400099051; A24690049149051; A24690038149051; A20590030099051; A24690089179051; A20590038095E66; A21290080319051; A16954059459051; A1645403245; A24690017119051; A2219004103; A20590027239052; A2045407401; A44790086039052; A20590067199051; A2469006601; A21290079149051 A24690042089051; A20590026099051; A1715450532; A20590074199051;5Q0953569.A; 5K0953569.H; 5K0953569.L; 5Q0953569.A; 5K0953569.E; 5Q0953569.A; 5K0953569 AP; 5K0953569 AB; 5K0953569 K; 5K0953569.AG; 5K0953569.T; 5Q0953569.B; 5K0953569.Q; 5K0953569.AF; 5K0953569.J; 5K0953569.AS; 5K0953569.AE; 5K0953569.E; 5K0953569.AR; 5K0953569.H; 61319383676; 61319351148; 61319474855; 61319351140; 61319297782; 61319351145; 61319234447; 61319351146; 61319354047; 61319351143; 61319351147; 8K0953568F; 8K0953502BD; 4H0953568A; 7P5953507 LQ; 7P5953507 HA; 7P5953507 DJ; 95865256813;

Reparatii reparatie repar reconditionez reconditionare reparare spira spirala panglica pamblica banda benzi calculator volan airbag SZL MRM senzor unghi volan SAS clock spring.

Piesă auto compatibilă cu:
Mercedes A-CLASS W176
Mercedes B-CLASS W246
Mercedes C-CLASS W204
Mercedes COUPE C123
Mercedes E-CLASS W212
Mercedes E-CLASS W213
Mercedes M-CLASS W164
Mercedes S-CLASS W221
Mercedes S-CLASS W222
Mercedes SLR
Actualizat la:
09 Mar 2025, 09:34
Actualizat la:
09 Mar 2025, 09:34